Self Quarantine = Self Care

While half of the world complains about boredom, crashing economy, social distancing, and no work in hand; we think it is the best time for self-care and self-awareness.
As a high-school pass out, new job intern or a full time working mother, you have always been busy with a tight schedule and have been looking out for some “Me Time” but now that you have it, you are clueless what to do with it as “Me Time” for you means going out, meeting your girlfriends and other activities which cant be done at this time. So what do you do?
London Rag and their #QueenofLondonRag have put down a list together of all things one can do rather should do during Self Quarantine
Slow Down
You have been taking way more than what you can actually seep in. It’s time to slow down. Take things and tasks as they come. Piling on, making a mountain out of a mole – Trust us, no use. The world is slowing down so should you!
Self Aware
There are a lot of things one does not know about them till they actually sit back and ponder. In the hustle-bustle of life we forget to give time to ourselves and never see beyond a point. This time that we have got, we should make the most of it. Instead of crying what we loosing on, take time to know yourself more. There might be some talents we left long back to pursue the race of life, there might be some hobbies we did let go of. Now is the time to get back to them.
Developing Control and Calm
Not to over react is also a reaction. At this hour, when the globe is going through crises one needs to develop a sense of control and calm. If advised to be indoor, do it! Control the urge of stepping out. Everything you do outside can be done indoors too. Gym? Make one in your room. It wont be as massive as your Club One but you can remake the ones you need. Use what you have and make the most of it. Calm yourself down and stabilize from within. No use of creating a situation of panic and rush. Things will fall in place, all we need is time!
Self Care
Our body is known as the temple. Are we really taking care of them the way we should? Or are we taking our body for granted. Pamper yourself! There are 100s of videos that tell you about self-care on YOUTUBE and Instagram which you can follow. Make some homemade facemasks, DIY on how to make your room a cozier one etc. Do what interests you the most, but do it.
The time will come when everything comes back to normal and you would have a chance to exhibit what these days of Quarantine has taught you to be. Nurturing, developing and becoming an overall, great person from within. The day you step out would be the day to exhibit. Take a pledge of not going back to the person you were but be a better human this time around.