Every new fashion season, we see new trendy bags being brought into the mainstream industry. Sometimes the designs are new takes on existing trends and old trends, as they make a comeback. However, there are certain bags that have not gone out of style in decades and some which have made a very strong comeback in the 2020s. As fashion becomes a personalized experience over trends it is also important to know which summer accessories you wish to invest in. As everyone knows a good handbag can last generations if made properly.
We don't mean you should go spend all your savings on a luxury handbag, usually finding a bag that suits your overall style goes a long way. Especially if you live in hotter or more humid regions it becomes essential that you pick bags that last in such conditions.
There are certain bag styles that have either not gone out of style in the last 2 decades and either we have realized that we will be continuing to use them for a long time. Numero Uno is very a sturdy and structured bag in either black or brown.
Sure beige, grey, or white also but the choice of color depends on your personal style. The reason everyone suggests starting out with a brown or black bag is that no matter what outfit, it suits the overall look and doesn't look visibly dirty over time. It is tempting to have all sorts of trendy bags in your wardrobe but for the long term, invest in basic color, structured bags as they are always worth every penny.
These are usually preferred by corporate working individuals who have business casual to formal dress codes, however, owning one saves a lot of trouble on days when you don’t know what bag to take. You may be a person who loves colorful bags, but they may not work with your interview outfits, or for when you're attending your minimalist friends’ wedding.
Contrasting the statement from the previous point is Numero Dos, statement bags are worth investing in too. Now the reason for that is it is not necessary that statement bags are trendy bags. They are more of personalized, object-core, unique, and precious bags. For example, Well Read Company USA makes bags that look like your favorite books. There are bags made from special materials, even vintage pieces which are niche to a specific time period like Magazine clutches from the 1960s. Statement bags usually have some personal or cultural significance to them for you to want to buy them. As compared to other bags that we usually buy for looks or utility.
Trendy mini bags, hear us out with Numero Trés, Mini bags are criticized too much, and while many people think they have had their run, we don't believe so, and they will make a comeback into the mainstream again. So don't throw away your tiny bags or remove them from your wishlists. Get that baguette bag, because trust us, carrying a tiny bag around is never going out of style. With the rise of more androgynous styles like the UNIQLO crossbody bag or even the high-end Prada triangle bag making its trending rounds, go get them goods.
Numero Quatro is for girlies like us who don't like structured bags and are always mentally sleeping in a hammock. The Slouchy bags, the bags with no shape as such, where you dump things and just go along your day. This bag is usually also seen on the mom of the group.This is actually an excellent style choice, slouchy or shapeless bags are great for carrying many things at once because the shape of the bag accommodates many things without making the bag look stuffed. A smart way to be messy and stylish at the same go is with slouchy bags.
Have you been scrolling through trendy bookstagram pages and other “lifestyle” pages that make you want to get a cute tote bag that you can carry to a cafe and go study too? But then you realize you're actually an adult with a full-time job and can't use a tote bag to work because of the number of things you have to carry. But we say, still get a canvas tote bag for your weekend adventures and a regular tote handbag for office ventures. tote bag-tote can only be done in two ways; the mom way or the trendy gen z new york fashion influencer way.
Tote bags are great if you only have to carry your lunch and other essentials to work, however, it doesn't make sense to use a handbag if you have to carry your laptop and files with you. That could only efficiently fit into a proper work backpack.
The point for these bags being essential is that they are highly customizable for different purposes and occasions. Secondly, they come in variant styles within their structures to suit personal styles and needs. The majority of these bags are also unisex and can be used by everyone. Structured leather bags, crossbody bags, and tote bags have become major closet staples of 2022 and 2023 fashion. As the cities have opened up in the last year, and since the pandemic has changed everyone’s priorities, these three bags remain at the top requirement pyramid. Trend cycles and requirement cycles often look far apart but designers these days have started catering to personal crafty styles or completely functional styles. With the rise of the need for super extra and functional accessories who knows what fashion will look like by the end of the year?